sadhya travel tips

I’m passionate about traveling to places and getting as lost as I can with my camera. I hope this website inspires you to live a life you love and gives you ideas for your own adventures.

kerala tourism
Kerala, South India

Have you ever heard of a place called “God’s Own Country”? It is located in South India and is regarded as one of the world’s top 20 must-see destinations. Kerala is famous for its natural beauty and tropical climate. I was born and raised in this beautiful state of Kerala. After finishing college I moved to North America with my family.

My professional career is in software development. I had the chance to travel to different places as part of my job as well as family vacations. Our children have grown up and they are settled in the US.


Sandia Mountain, New Mexico

sandia mountain new mexico
Sandia Mountain New Mexico

The Sandia Peak Tramway is the world’s third-longest aerial tramway. The views are breathtaking, with panoramic views of Albuquerque and beyond. Each cable car can transport up to 50 people to the summit. It is amazing to see the Rio Grande Valley from the 10,378-foot summit!! You can find the video here.

My vision for This Blog

We will be sharing our travel tips and guides for the places that we have already visited and also have researched for future visits.